(860) 886-3488​
(860) 886-3488​
Online booking is a convenient way to schedule your appointment.
Click Book Now to select the service, date, time, & therapist of your choosing.
Please note:
Couples Massage are not available at our Rocky hill location.
Same day or next day appointments will often require a phone call as well.
Pre payment is required for first time clients booking online.
A Credit Card is Required for first time clients booking over the phone. There is a 50% charge for any cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.
No call/No show will be charged the full price of the service.
Also, if you don't see a date and time that works for you listed, please give us a call anyway! We often have available appointments that are not listed on the online booking page and we also have cancellations that might open up other times.
Quality of Life Massage & Wellness
748 Old Main St. Rocky Hill, CT 06067